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JASB – druhé číslo


JASB – druhé číslo

27. 12. 2021 2021 JASB 0
Jsme rádi, že můžeme představit druhé číslo našeho multi-oborového vědeckého časopisu JASB. Více o tomto a předchozích číslech na stránce časopisu
On behalf of the editorial board of the Alumni sci- entiae Bohemicae Society (ASB), we are delighted to announce the publication of the second regu- lar issue of the Journal of the ASB Society (JASB). This upcoming issue presents the high-quality work of undergraduates, young professionals, and high school students from physics, mathematics and eco- nomy. First invited contribution is devoted to the contribution and life journey of Professor Miloslav Frumar, who unfortunately passed away at the be- ginning of 2021. Prof. Ing. Miloslav Frumar, DrSc. devoted his entire very active professional life to edu- cation and scientific research at the University of Chemical Technology in Pardubice. In this area, he is considered by the domestic and international sci- entific community as the founder of the so-called ”Pardubice school”, which is globally recognized es- pecially in the field of crystalline and amorphous semiconductors.From the field of solid state chemistry and phys- ics you can also find another contribution focused on magneto-mechanical deformation of Ni-Mn-Ga shape memory alloys, which was presented dur- ing last round of Student Professional Activities (SPA/SOČ). As is slowly becoming customary, this issue will also contain contributions from the field of mathematics, more specifically from the areas of number theory and algebraic geometry. Outside of the natural sciences, we would like to highlight an article focusing on economic stimulus in the United States of America during the Covid 19 crisis.Preparation of this issue would not be possible without the strong support of ASB Society as well as other many people. Thanks are due first to the JASB editorial board, collaborators, and our review- ers, who guarded the academic rigour of the articles. We also would like to thanks our partners who sup- port this and our other activities.
On behalf of the editorial board, we hope you will enjoy the collection of articles found within this is- sue of the Journal of the ASB Society.
Jan Hrabovsky
Editor-in-Chief, Faculty of Mathematics and Phys- ics, Charles University
27 December 2021/ Volume 2/ Issue 1
Miloslav Frumar: In the footsteps of the chalcogen- ide semiconductors …………………….. 4
Wágner, Netušilová
Impact of the Economic Impact Payments on Consumer Spending: Analysis on a Granular Level ofAmericanCounties …………………….. 7
Magneto-mechanical deformation of Ni50Mn28Ga22shapememoryalloy …………………….. 19
Sukup, Heczko
Solving Diophantine Equations by Factoring in NumberFields……………………..28
A Pseudorandom Sequence Generated over a Finite FieldUsingtheMobiusFunction……………………..35